Divine Comedy: Herman Inferno, The Far Side Purgatorio, Charles Addams Paradiso

Divine Comedy:

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, translated by Lawrence Grant White, illustrated by Gustave Doré (NY: Pantheon, 1948)

Herman Inferno, The Far Side Purgatorio, Charles Addams Paradiso

The 1st Treasury of Herman by Jim Unger (Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1979)

The Prehistory of the Far Side: A 10th Anniversary Exhibit by Gary Larson (Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1989)

Drawn and Quartered by Charles Addams (NY: Random House, 1942)

The World of Charles Addams by Charles Addams, introduction by Wilfrid Sheed (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991)

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